Looking for the overlooked

Filed under: by: Chris

I figure that between facebook, my other journal, and me talking in person to everyone, the topic of my trip to Paris and London would fast become tiresome. But since the process editing (which I just did today), picking, and uploading photos is so daunting, I would do an entry here first.

When I travel, I see all the big things a location has to offer. All the tourist hotspots are usually popular for a reason. But what makes a trip for me are the details. I try and find and record the little things that might just be passed over by 99.9% of the main tourist population. So here it is, as selection of a few of my favorite details, even if they really have nothing to do with the locations they were found in:

Across the street from a grocery store in Paris.

Wallpaper in Versailles.

Sculpture in the gardens of Versailles.

Cover from a magazine outside of a souvenir shop near Versailles.

A restrained angel around the side of St. Chappelle in Paris.

Bread making at the bread festival in Paris.

Outside of a building in London.

London Eye.

Stained glass in the Tower of London.

Fortress Safety in the Tower of London.

A warning on a train station on the way to Hampton Court.

Stickers on a phone box in London.

An island-esqe rock in the Natural History Museum in London.

A comic book store in London.


On May 26, 2009 at 6:57 AM , Megan said...

Looks awesome, I'm so envious!

On May 26, 2009 at 10:04 AM , chrispy said...

I want to go to GOSH! Also, I miss the pleasure gardens.