Back at home

Filed under: by: Chris

Being back from school for reals this week has taught me a few things in just a short amount of time.

1. However nice or accommodating my parents are, I will go insane if I spend too much quality time at home. I just have to wall myself up in my room or leave the house most of the time, just because I've grown so accustomed to be elsewhere and with different company. Am I a bad son? Probably, but I feel like this isn't very uncommon around 21 year old age range.

2. I think I'm going though running withdraw. I need that kind of activity in my life, and I'm getting kind of restless. I need to find people around me to run with so I'm not out by my lonesome in big, bad Northern Virginia.

3. Speaking of withdraw, I'm craving me so Current TV. However, I don't have Direct TV and it's not offered with my cable provider. So I've been having to make due with watching everything I love on the website, but going without the hours and hours of educational and enriching clips on TV.

4. I've been driving quite a lot to spend time with friends, doing the exact same things I was doing a month ago at school without all the travel time. I need to be around friends to keep me from doing absolutely nothing (like I've been doing today).

5. I have no burning desire to cook when I'm at home. This feels like a problem to me, though on the plus side, I'm not spending a ton of time, money, and effort on food. The downside is that I feel like I'm giving up a little. It probably has something to do with the fact that at school, I was cooking with friends and for friends, and here I'd just be cooking for me (or at most, me and one parent). Not as much fun.

Also: New post at Weekly Delicious, my Beef and Caramelized Onion Pasties.